Our 60 Days Promise

Our 60-day money back promise
(Valid from orders placed after June 20, 2024)

If you wear our shoes for 60 days and do not notice increased mobility and balance in your feet, we will give you a full refund. Please pay attention to the terms below.

This promise is an extension of the normal 30-day warranty from purchase and does not apply regarding replacements, size changes, lost products or defective products. In these cases just listed, the 30-day right of return continues to apply.

In order to get a refund by adopting our 60-day promise (so the 30 original warranty + 30 extra days of our promise) there must be the necessary condition that the customer has used the product for at least 60 days. Our team will then verify that 60 days have actually elapsed since the delivery date.

In addition to this necessary condition, the customer must send us at least 1 of these 2 proofs:

1) Send us your tiktok or Instagram account where you show videos of yourself using our shoes. There must be at least 4 videos in 30 days.

2) Show photos posted on Instagram or Facebook, posts or stories where you use the shoes. Photos must be at least 6 in 30 days.

If you feel you have met these requirements and are not satisfied, please contact our customer service department by including "60-DAYS PROMISE" as the subject of your email. Thanks!